Best Exercises for Low Back Strength

Whether you want to PR your squats and deadlifts, or need a stronger back to reduce low back pain flare-ups, you need to be doing these exercises. While they don’t replace the back strength built with compound movements like the deadlift, these accessory moves are great supplemental work to build low back strength up with less overall fatigue. This video will cover what Dr. Zach believes are the five best exercises for low back strength. 

Check out our Bulletproof Back Builder accessory program for a proven plan to build low back strength.



Best Exercises for Low Back Strength

Reverse Hypers

Reverse Hypers are our favorite low-back strength accessory exercise. They don’t involve spinal compression but provide an intense stimulus to build up the low back muscles. Many gyms don’t have a Reverse Hyper machine like the Scout Hyper so we show how to perform on the Glute Ham Developer.

GHD Rows

The glute ham developer is one of the most underrated pieces of equipment in gyms. There are so many posterior chain  and core exercises that you can do to build serious strength. Our favorite GHD is the Rep Fitness version.

Bent Over Rows

Any heavy, forward-leaned rowing variation will do a great job of building isometric strength in the lower back.

Back Attack

Another great piece of equipment not found in many gyms is the Back Attack machine. Since it isn’t often available, our videos show a way to set up the Back Attack with a squat rack and bands.